Live life in slow motion.™
The no nonsense website for people who HEART Jaime Sommers, the original Bionic Woman.
Jaime Sommers was the first person to laugh at herself.
So I’m using that as my cue to quit taking life so seriously as I revisit this iconic 70s TV show that I used to love to watch as a girl. The Bionic Woman is a whole new experience for me now as an alleged grown-up. With a vodka martini in hand, I find I’m enjoying it much more the second time around.
As it turns out, I never became bionic like my idol Jaime, mainly because I had the good sense to avoid skydiving. But I still strive to be more like my action heroine every day, and to poke a little fun at the Bionic Blonde in all of us. Fashion, romance, Fembots. It all goes together. Trust me.
Mission Updates
Blondes have more fun.
Bionic Blondes STRONGLY urge you to lighten up and laugh.™
The Bionic Woman and the character of Jaime Sommers are © Universal Studios. This website is produced by a fan just for fun, and is in no way affiliated with, nor endorsed by, Universal Studios or the cast or crew of this series. No copyright infringement is intended.